Resonant Chaos
Interactive Glass-Sound Installation in Ludvig Museum / Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Venue: Ludvig Museum-Russian Museum, Saint-Petersburg
Sensual distraction created of glass tubes ,sound,video and custom software. Maria Koshenkova (RU) – glass-object Richard Deutsch (A) – sound, interactive environment Christian Vogel (A) – software Room transformed into a musical instrument, which can be played just by movements.
The sounds are triggered by the movements of the visitors. Each sound-zone has a different sound. Fragile glass wall which ready to dissolve and fall apart every minute gives a sensual feeling of being destroyed with out actual destruction only visually and in sound it produces.
The glass object is the most unstable part of this installation but the only one which stay untouched at the end. Wall, or rather ‘anti wall built of very fragile glass straws and tubes instead of solid bricks. (the structure close to the nest having geometric shape of the block.)
Similar to a natural biological structure , the glass wall is constructed from larger and richer in tone modules, gradually turning into a thin and transparent parts as if dissolving into space. Glass details, crossing and passing light create an expressive and graphical shadow which also an essential element of the installation.. Viewer is welcome to move around the object touch explore and play with it, but must be aware that sharp glass pieces can cat and damage and some parts can brake, which is part of the plane.
Every glass tube is handcrafted,and unique. Assembled with UV glue.Size is varies. Dimensions of a whole installation is also depend on space ,in with particular case piece is 150 cm high, 50 cm wide, and 175 cm long The whole exhibition in the Ludwig Museum in the Russian Museum -“Resonant matters” outlines the territory where the paths of color and sound, optics and acoustics, music and the fine arts are intersected.
The exposition that is created in collaboration with different museum collections and musicians of Moscow and St. Petersburg is intended to be the continuation of experiments of the representatives of Russian Avant-Garde altogether with the modern experiences of visualization of sound on the exhibition. The exposition includes non-traditional musical instruments and different multimedia actions that had been held in different cities of Russia during several few years. In comparison with these projects the exhibition in the Russian Museum will be marked by a greater number of participants and wider diapason of art works, where altogether with multimedia objects the works presenting the traditional views of art (painting, graphics, collage, sculpture) are on show.
The exposition includes also non-traditional musical instruments, color and musical experiments, visual and acoustic objects and installations, resonant sculpture, the interpretations of musical compositions and musical impressions. Also there are presented for the first time the projects based on the transfer of sound impulses into the image, and motion ones into sound, video performances and sounding costumes.